Photo ideas: Levitation photography secrets


Posted Mar 8, 2023

Reads 5.5K

Side view of attentive female remote employee with cup of tea watching photo gallery on netbook screen at desk in house
Credit:, Side view of attentive female remote employee with cup of tea watching photo gallery on netbook screen at desk in house

Are you running out of photo ideas for your next photography project? Levitation photography secrets might just be what you need to add some magic to your home photography ideas. Opening up a whole new world of possibilities, levitation photography is not only creative but also surprisingly simple to achieve.

Before you start, make sure you have the right equipment: tripods, lighting kits, reflectors, and macro lenses are all essential for creating stunning levitation photos. But don't worry if you don't have access to all of these tools - while they can certainly help, the actual camera technique is what will make or break your shot.

Creating a seemingly levitating figure or person perched in an empty scene requires stable support and perfectly aligned angles. While Photoshop techniques can certainly enhance the final image, the real skill begins in-camera. Crafting the atmosphere and visual trickery that makes viewers take a second look is simply a piece of the puzzle in this straightforward job. In fact, some photographers have even created beautiful backlit raindrops with watery lens flares using levitation photography!

Discover the Art of Levitation Photography Processing


Levitation photography is a technique that creates the illusion of floating objects or people. The key to creating this effect is in the processing stage, where photos are combined or "composite ill" together to create one seamless image. By experimenting with different techniques such as layering, masking, and blending modes, you can take your levitation photography to the next level and create truly stunning images that capture the imagination.

1. Step 1: Download your pictures

The first step to creating amazing levitation photography is to download your pictures from your camera. Camera shooters, you'll want to make sure you transfer your photos onto a computer or other device for editing purposes. Once you have them downloaded, take some time to review the images and decide which ones would work best for levitation photography.

For those who are new to photography, don't worry! It's easy to download your pictures from a smartphone or tablet onto a computer or cloud-based storage platform. Simply connect your device to the computer or sign into the cloud platform and select the photos you want to download. With these pictures in hand, you're ready to move on to the next step in creating stunning levitation photos.

2. Step 2: Edit in lightroom (optional)

Step 2 in the entire process of levitation photography is optional, but can make a big difference in the final result. Editing in Lightroom allows you to adjust white balance, curves, and other settings to enhance your photo.

White balance is important because it affects the colors in your photo. Adjusting it can make your image appear warmer or cooler depending on the effect you want to achieve. The curve adjustment tool allows for more precise control over the brightness and contrast levels in your image, making it easier to create a seamless levitation effect. While editing may take extra time, it's worth experimenting with different adjustments to see what works best for each photo.

3. Step 3: Open in Photoshop

Now that you have taken your levitation photos, let's move on to the next step. To begin, open your desired photo in Photoshop by selecting "File" from the menu photo and then "Open". Once you have opened your photo, it is time to separate layers. You can do this by choosing "Menu File Scripts Load Files", which will enable you to select multiple images and combine them into one. Next, select "Edit" and click on "Auto-Align Layers" to align all layers correctly.

4. Step 4: Add a layer mask

Now that you have your levitation subject on the top layer, it's time to add a layer mask. This is where the magic happens. In the layers panel, make sure your top layer is selected. Click on the layer mask button at the bottom of the panel to add a white thumbnail to your top layer.

At first glance, you won't notice any difference in your photo, but this white thumbnail is what allows you to selectively show or hide parts of your levitation subject. By painting black onto this white thumbnail with a brush tool, you can hide areas of your levitation subject and reveal the background below. This technique creates the illusion that your subject is floating in mid-air!

5. Step 5: Mask out the support prop

Step 5 in creating a levitation photo is to mask out the support prop. This is where masks work their magic by allowing you to work non-destructively. To do this, click on the layer with the support prop and select the brush tool. Set the color black as your foreground color and start painting over the support prop.

Use a bigger brush for the widest area and smaller brushes for harder edges. Make sure to use smooth brush strokes to achieve a smoother transition between areas where you've edited and those that are untouched. If your images don't match perfectly, don't worry - just try your best to align them as close as possible in manual mode. Once you've fixed everything, you can turn off the visibility toggle on the layer with the original shot of your subject, and voila! You've successfully created a stunning levitation photo.

6. Step 6: Make final edits (optional)

Congratulations! You've successfully finished your levitation photography project. After capturing the perfect levitation photograph, it's time to make some final edits to enhance its magical ambience.

One way to do this is by adding textures overlays and adjustment layers. Textures overlays can add depth and dimension to your photo while adjustment layers can help adjust the brightness, contrast, and color balance of your image. These final touches can make a significant difference in the overall quality of your levitation photograph. So don't skip this step!

Mastering the Art of Persuasion: Tips for Selling the Impact

Tools on Toolbox
Credit:, Tools on Toolbox

Levitation photography is one of the most intriguing and interesting ways to capture photos. It's something that can make your photography skills stand out among others. With 01 perfect execution, we can create stunning levitation shots that will catch the viewer's attention instantly.

To start with, we need to arrange everything perfectly. The main crunch point is where the body meets the ground, which needs to be hidden cleverly. Car lights or flare wraps could be used to create a magical effect around the subject. Drape loose clothing or skirts over the edge of surfaces to lift parts of them and create an illusion.

Finally, selling the impact is all about persuading others how amazing levitation photography is by showcasing our work. We should emphasize how uniquely we have captured these moments and show them what they're missing out on if they don't try this technique themselves. By mastering this art of persuasion, we can encourage others to take up levitation photography and explore their creativity through it.

Camera deals, prizes and latest news

Camera deals, prizes and the latest photography news are always exciting to hear about. From reviews and product advice to competitions with unmissable prizes, there's always something new happening in the world of photography. And if you're looking for inspiration for your next photo shoot, we've got you covered with our photo ideas and levitation photography secrets.

Did you know that there are 7 places worldwide where you can capture stunning levitation photos? Or that taking selfies with wild animals is completely illegal? Stay tuned for more interesting photography news like this. And while we're on the topic of cameras, have you heard about the Redmi Note 12 Pro? It's the lowest priced 200mp camera phone on the market right now!

But it's not just about phones; wearable AI cameras are also making headlines lately. Have you ever heard of a digital TLR camera secretly developed by ex-Apple directors? Keep an eye out for these exciting new developments in the world of photography. Whether it's finding great deals on cameras or keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and gear, we’re here to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make a levitation photograph?

To make a levitation photograph, you need to have a stable camera, tripod, and patience. Take two photos - one with the subject in the air and one without - then blend them together in post-processing software.

How to do levitation in Luminar?

Unfortunately, levitation is not a feature available in Luminar. However, you can use other tools and techniques to create the illusion of levitation in your photos.

What to wear to a levitation photoshoot?

Wear clothing that is light and flowy, avoiding heavy fabrics or anything that may weigh you down. Consider wearing neutral colors to let the levitation effect stand out.

What is levation photography?

Levation photography is a technique that involves capturing aerial photos from a high vantage point to create an illusion of levitation. It's commonly used in marketing campaigns, real estate, and social media content creation.

How do you make a model levitate?

A model can be made to levitate by using strong magnets and creating a magnetic field that repels the object against gravity.

Sally Rowe

Junior Writer

Sally Rowe is an enthusiastic writer, with a passion for sharing her experiences and knowledge with the world. She has a knack for crafting engaging and informative content that resonates with readers of all ages and backgrounds. As a blogger, Sally focuses on a variety of topics including travel, lifestyle, fashion, and personal development.