Lightroom series part 11: Enhance your Milky Way photos the easy way


Posted Mar 4, 2023

Reads 6.2K

Photo Of Woman Holding Make-Up Brush
Credit:, Photo Of Woman Holding Make-Up Brush

Welcome to the 11th instalment of our Lightroom series! In this lightroom tutorial 11 enhance, we will show you how to easily bring impact to your Milky Way photos using the latest photo editing software opens. If you have ever tried capturing the galaxy's core on a clear night with cloudless skies but ended up with a sad reflection of what you saw, this article is for you.

As a lightroom user, you know how valuable Adobe's photo editing opens can be for enhancing your images. With Lightroom 6 and newer versions notably offering a chromatic aberration removal option, a simple checkbox for lens corrections panel, and the dehaze slider in basic panel, your Milky Way shots can now reach new heights. Whether you want to highlight the faint glow of stars or make the galaxys core pop out of your base image, these tools will help you achieve your goals.

In this digital camera magazine article, we will guide you through each step of the process using expert tips and tricks from professional photographers. We will also teach you how to use adjustment brush to paint over specific areas and make them stand out even more. So buckle up and get ready to capture some stunning images like never before – who knows, maybe even catch an international space station passing by! Don't forget that subscription offers are available for those who want access to more lightroom tutorials opens and become true masters of their craft.

Expert tip: Paint in more depth


When it comes to enhancing your photos in Lightroom, using the adjustment brush can make a big difference. To start, choose the adjustment brush and set clarity to add sharpness and detail to specific areas of your image. Then, set feather for a soft edge and set flow to control how quickly the effect is applied. Half press the mouse button to see the full effect set, or repeat repeat to build up the effect gradually.

Alternatively, right-click on an active pin and choose duplicate to create a new one with the same settings. Hold down the alt key and click on an area you've painted to erase it if needed. When you're happy with your adjustments, remember to save them by clicking done or hitting enter.

This tutorial originally appeared in Digital Camera Magazine, a monthly newsstand magazine that you can subscribe to for a printed edition delivered direct or digital options such as their tab multi-platform app ideal for all-you-can-eat digital magazine subscription service. You can also browse recent issues or back issues opens through their online store.

Unveil the Full Story with Bigger File Sizes


When it comes to enhancing your raw pictures, an important point to keep in mind is the file size. The process relates directly to storage space, as the resulting enhanced DNG files can be several times larger than the original raw files. For instance, a raw file shot on a Nikon or Canon camera might be around 22 megabytes, but once enhanced using Lightroom's slider tools and other editing features, that same file easily takes up over 100 megabytes of storage space. This means you need to consider storage solutions and ensure you have enough space for these massive file sizes.

Enhancing raw pictures can bring out significant improvements compared to the original raw file shot. On-screen resolution may not show all details, but closer inspection reveals significant issues that can be corrected simply by adjusting sliders and other editing tools. For example, if you have a broken camera and notice a wavy worm-like appearance in your photos' top-right corner, Lightroom renders Fuji raw files well enough to enhance images significantly. By comparing the left enhanced image with the right-hand image of the original Fuji raw image, you can see gold light coming through dark leaves more clearly.

The process implies that Adobes artificial intelligence algorithms are used to enhance images according to what they believe looks good on a computer screen at full resolution or large prints. However, there still is a clear difference when viewed on a small screen or viewed full-size compared to before using Lightroom's sharpening slider feature on your raw file built-in Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw settings during post-processing. With bigger file sizes come more noticeable differences in detail and color accuracy when viewed at full-size resolution or printed at large scales for better clarity in your final output results.

Unveiling the intricacies: Discovering the hidden details


Are you looking to enhance your images and bring out those intricate details? Then, welcome to Lightroom Tutorial 11 Enhance. This tutorial focuses on enhancing details and bringing out finer nuances in your photographs. If you are new to Lightroom, you can start by importing your photos into the Lightroom library.

Once you have imported your photos, select an image in the preview window, and click on Enhance Details. You will see a zoomed-in view of the image preview that allows you to configure sliders to improve things like sharpness and color. The enhance details procedure finishes with a single click, leaving your image in an un-enhanced state allowing for a take-it-or-leave-it approach from an end-user perspective.

From the current state of the original raw file or Adobe DNG file, you can easily left enhanced versions of each image without adding additional megabytes to your storage space. It is refreshing to find such an easy-to-follow tutorial that not only helps you improve your images but also saves space on your device. Try these simple steps today and watch as your images come alive with enhanced detail!

Best Free Lightroom Tutorials, Professional Tips and Keyboard Shortcuts

Diverse friends with skateboards on ramp
Credit:, Diverse friends with skateboards on ramp

Are you looking to enhance your photo editing skills but don't want to spend a fortune on classes? Look no further than these free video lessons! With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many of us inside, there's never been a better time to learn something new. Whether you're just starting out with the Adobe Lightroom program or looking for professional tips and keyboard shortcuts, these tutorials cover all the main functions of the software. So why not give it a try and take your photo editing game to the next level?

1. How to Install Adobe Lightroom for The Brand-New User

"Installing Adobe Lightroom for the Brand-New User" may seem daunting, but it's really quite simple. First, head to the Adobe website and create an account. Once you've done that, select the "Free Trial" option for Lightroom and download the installer. Follow the installation prompts and enter your Adobe account information when prompted.

As a level beginner, it's important to note that installing Lightroom is just the first step. Take advantage of tutorials and online resources to get familiar with the program and its features. And don't forget to have fun - Lightroom is a powerful tool for enhancing your photos and bringing your creative vision to life!

2. How to Install Presets

As a beginner in Lightroom, one of the basic things every photographer encounters is how to install Lightroom presets. Installing presets is easy and can make your work faster. To start, download the preset files you want to use and save them on your computer.

Then open Lightroom and navigate to Develop mode, where you will find the Presets panel on the left-hand side of your screen. Click the plus sign (+) at the top right corner of the Presets panel and select “Import Presets” from the dropdown menu. From there, select the preset files you saved on your computer and click Import. Voila! You’ve successfully installed new presets into Lightroom.

3. How to Save Pictures from Adobe Lightroom CC Tutorial

If you're a level beginner in Adobe Lightroom, you might be wondering how to export images from the software. Well, it's quite easy! First, select the images you want to save by clicking on them. Then, go to the File menu and click on Export.

A new window will pop up where you can choose the destination folder and file format for your exported images. You can also adjust other settings such as image size and quality. Once you're happy with your selections, click Export and voila! Your pictures are saved from Adobe Lightroom CC.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to enhance pictures using Lightroom?

To enhance pictures using Lightroom, first adjust the exposure, contrast, highlights, and shadows. Then use the color adjustment tools to fine-tune saturation and vibrance. Finally, sharpen the image and add any desired effects or filters.

Do you need to crop Milky Way photos in Lightroom?

It depends on the composition of your photo. Cropping can help eliminate distractions and focus on the Milky Way, but it can also reduce image quality if done excessively. Experiment with different crops to find what works best for your shot.

How to create a vignette in Lightroom?

To create a vignette in Lightroom, select the adjustment brush tool, decrease the exposure or clarity, and paint around the edges of the photo. Adjust the settings to your liking for a subtle or dramatic effect.

How to edit Milky Way photos?

To edit Milky Way photos, you can adjust the exposure, contrast, and color temperature to enhance the details of the stars and the Milky Way. You can also use specialized software such as Lightroom or Photoshop to remove noise and add clarity.

How to white balance in Lightroom?

To white balance in Lightroom, use the eyedropper tool to select a neutral area in the photo and adjust the temperature and tint sliders until the color looks balanced.

Matilda Cozzi


Matilda Cozzi is a creative writer and blogger. With a passion for storytelling, she has been crafting compelling content across various niches for several years. She loves to explore different cultures and cuisines, often incorporating these experiences into her writing.